knock on wood

Meaning of the phrase:

-express a wish that something will or will not happen


Origin of the phrase:

The origin of “knock on wood” and “touch wood” is unknown; however, several theories as to its origin exist.

Some believe that this may have begun as an ancient pagan ritual, wherein dryads (tree nymphs) or wood spirits, were thought to inhabit trees. Knocking or touching wood may have been used as a way to ask for a favor or to ask for good luck. It is also believed that this ritual may have prevented evil spirits from hearing one’s less-than-wholesome comments. There also a Biblical theory that the wood symbolizes the cross upon which Jesus Christ was crucified; however, this may have been an adaptation of the much older ritual. In either case, contact with wood would be a way to seek the protection of God. “Touch wood” appears to have English origins and predates the US “knock on wood;” it is also possible that the earlier idiomatic expression may have come from chasing games played by children in the early 1800s where a child could “touch wood” in order to avoid being tagged. The game is referenced in Robin Carver’s The Book of Sports, printed in 1834:

“This is an acitve and amusing game for boys in cold weather. It is sometimes called Touch iron, or Touch wood; in these cases, the players are sage fro being touched, while their hands are upon iron or wood, as may be previously agreed.”

No matter what its true origin, the act of knocking on wood or stating so is a tradition used by the speaker to ward off bad luck or to avoid “tempting fate” when making a favorable statement concerning one’s own current situation.

It is unclear when the phrase gained its figurative meaning but an early reference to its use as such can be found in The Syracuse Herald, February 1905:

“Neglecting to knock on wood may have been responsible for the weather’s unseemly behaviour today.”