An illustration of a person who had an ace up their sleeve.

ace up your sleeve

Meaning of the phrase:

-a secret or hidden advantage or resource that a person can use to gain an edge in a situation or achieve success

ยท I knew I was in trouble when I got a flat tire on the way to the party, but I had an ace up my sleeve - a pair of roller skates hidden in the trunk. I arrived fashionably late and impressively sweaty.

Origin of the phrase:

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘ace up your sleeve’? Of course, you have! It’s a phrase as old as the hills, but still as relevant as ever. It’s used to describe someone who’s got a secret weapon, a hidden gem, a winning trick up their sleeve, ready to unleash it at just the right moment.

But do you know where this phrase comes from? Well, it all started in the game of poker played during the Wild West – you know, that game where you get dealt a set of cards and try to make the best hand possible? Yeah, that one. In poker, the ace is the highest-ranking card, and as you can imagine, it’s pretty darn valuable.

Let’s examine an early instance of this expression being used in reference to a card game. The Wheeling Daily Intelligence on August 26, 1873:

One-eyed Jim, the gambler, took advantage of the occasion to slip an ace up his sleeve, and winked at General Hardinge when he saw that gentleman observing him.

Now, imagine you’re playing poker with this One-eyed Jim fella. He’s a sneaky little guy, and he’s got a little trick up his sleeve – quite literally! He’s got an ace hidden in there, and he’s waiting for just the right moment to slip it out and beat the other players. It’s a clever tactic, but it’s also cheating. But hey, I guess it’s folks like One-eyed Jim and his sleeve full of cards that kept the Wild West wild!

As the game of poker grew in popularity, it didn’t take long for the expression “ace up your sleeve” to spread outside the dimly lit saloons and seedy card tables. People began to use it in everyday conversations to describe someone who was particularly savvy or cunning. And it wasn’t just limited to the world of gambling, either. Soon, anyone with a hidden advantage or a trick up their sleeve could be said to have an ace up their sleeve.

One of the earliest examples of the phrase “ace up your sleeve” being used in a figurative sense comes from The Queenslander in November 9, 1889:

It’s a rum start what made the old ‘un take that inn. However, he knows what he is about, and is more likely to have an ace up his sleeve than expose his hand.

The phrase “ace up his sleeve” is used here metaphorically to suggest that the old man might have a secret plan or an advantage that he has not revealed yet.

So, the next time someone tells you they’ve got an ace up their sleeve, don’t panic! They’re not about to cheat you out of your lunch money. They just have a secret weapon they’re ready to unleash. And who knows, maybe you’ve got one too! Maybe you’re secretly a ninja, or a superhero, or a world-class pie-eating champion. Hey, you never know! So go ahead, embrace your inner ace, and show the world what you’re made of!