ace in the hole

-a hidden advantage or a secret plan that can be used to gain an advantage in a situation

Having an 'ace in the hole' is like having a secret weapon, but with way fewer explosions and more playing cards.   

ace up your sleeve

-a secret or hidden advantage or resource that a person can use to gain an edge in a situation or achieve success

The metaphorical power of the phrase 'ace up one's sleeve' is rooted in its origins at the poker table, where a hidden ace could make or break a gambler's fortune.   

Achilles’ heel

-a vulnerable or weak point, usually the one that could be exploited by others

Achilles, the fearless warrior of ancient Greek mythology, possessed an invincible body except for his vulnerable heel. Discover how his story transformed into a potent metaphor for vulnerability and strategic advantage.   

add fuel to the fire

-to make a bad situation even worse by doing or saying something that exacerbates the problem

Discover the history and meaning of 'add fuel to the fire.' From its roots in ancient Rome to its modern usage, explore this fiery idiom's story now!    

afraid of your own shadow

-to be excessively fearful, timid or easily frightened, especially by things that pose no real danger or threat

Explore the history and meaning of 'afraid of your own shadow,' an expression used to describe excessive fear and timidity. Shed light on its origins now!   

albatross around one’s neck

-a heavy burden that becomes an obstacle to success

alive and kicking

-1. alive and well 2. prevalent and active

all ears

-eager to hear something or pay close attention to

all in a day’s work

-expected and normal

all that glitters is not gold

-something that appears valuable or attractive may not actually be so

all thumbs

-clumsy or awkward, especially with one's hands

ants in one’s pants

-1. feeling fidgety, anxious, restless or impatient 2. be eager for sexual activity

apple of one’s eye

-someone or something that is especially cherished and valued

as the crow flies

-in a straight line from one point to another, by the shortest route

asleep at the switch

-not paying attention or not alert as one should be

at the drop of a hat

-without delay, without hesitation

at the end of one’s rope

-at the limits of one's patience, endurance or resources

ax to grind

-a personal agenda or ulterior motive