A strip of yellow crime scene tape on the floor representing the phrase "get away with murder."

get away with murder

Meaning of the phrase:

-succeed in doing whatever one wishes without being punished or suffering any consequences

ยท I don't know how he does it, but my brother seems to get away with murder at work - he's always taking long breaks and still manages to get all his work done on time.

Origin of the phrase:

Have you ever heard the phrase “get away with murder”? It’s been around for over a century, but where did it come from and what does it really mean? The origins are pretty straightforward: if someone gets away with murder, it means they committed a heinous crime but somehow managed to escape punishment.

However, like most things, the phrase has evolved over time. Today, it’s not just about literal murder – it’s used to describe anyone who manages to avoid the consequences of their actions. Whether you skipped work and didn’t get caught, cheated on a test and still got an A, or snagged the last slice of pizza without anyone noticing, you’re getting away with something.

The origins of the phrase can be traced back to the early 20th century, when it first appeared in print. One of the earliest records of its figurative use can be found in the New-York Tribune on April 28, 1915:

But suppose he did slice into the rough occasionally, there was always Bancroft to play him into the fairway again. As one fan expressed it: ‘Chalmers got away with murder.’

Since then, the phrase has taken on a life of its own and has been used in movies, books, songs, and just about every other form of media you can think of. It’s become a shorthand for that feeling of getting away with something you shouldn’t have.

While it might sound like a sweet deal to get away with something, it’s important to remember that actions have consequences. We all make mistakes and slip up from time to time, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. After all, there are plenty of things you can get away with that don’t involve murder – like taking the last donut in the office break room.