Image of a woman looking at an oncoming storm with dark clouds, representing the phrase 'calm before the storm.'

calm before the storm

Meaning of the phrase:

-a period of relative peace and quiet before a period of unrest and chaos

· The calm before the storm of a family gathering has me mentally preparing myself to dodge all the "So when are you going to get a real job?" questions while trying to sneak a few more slices of pizza.

Origin of the phrase:

Picture this: You’re standing outside, enjoying a beautiful day, when suddenly everything goes eerily quiet. The birds stop chirping, the wind dies down, and you can almost hear a pin drop. That’s the calm before the storm, folks, and it’s been around for centuries as a metaphor for the peaceful moments before chaos strikes.

According to legend, sailors were the first to notice the eerie calm before a storm. As the tempest approached, the warm, moist air was sucked up into the storm system, creating a low-pressure vacuum that drew in warm, dry air. This stable air created the stillness that signaled the storm’s imminent arrival, giving rise to the expression “calm before the storm.”

Now, the phrase has been around since the 1600s, which might as well be ancient history in our modern age. But unlike powdered wigs and corsets, this phrase has stood the test of time. The earliest known example comes from the play The Dumb Knight (1601) by Lewis Machin and Gervase Markham:

Fast lock’d in her bed, with a close ward to devour thee my brave paraquito; but hush, no words, there is a calm before the tempest.

Okay, so it says “tempest” instead of “storm,” but it’s close enough for us to see that this phrase is a tried-and-true way to describe those moments of peace before chaos takes over. Whether it’s the heat of battle, a major work crisis, or even your personal relationships, the “calm before the storm” metaphor still holds up today.

Okay, let’s take a break from the history lesson and flowery language, shall we? We all know the real “calm before the storm” happens when you’re procrastinating a deadline, feeling a false sense of peace before the chaos of last-minute work hits you like a ton of bricks. Or perhaps it’s the quiet moment before a big presentation, where the anticipation builds and you can feel the storm of nerves brewing within you. But remember, just like every storm eventually passes, so too will these moments of chaos and uncertainty. Embrace the calm, take a deep breath, and trust yourself to weather the storm. You’ve got this!