Vintage photograph of two men playing poker in the 1800s, representing the expression 'call someone's bluff.'

call someone’s bluff

Meaning of the phrase:

-to challenge someone to prove that they are telling the truth or that they actually intend to do something.

ยท When my boyfriend said he would break up with me if I didn't stop making puns, I called his bluff and replied, "I guess it's pun-ishment for my sense of humor."

Origin of the phrase:

Picture this: you’re at a high-stakes poker game, sweat dripping down your forehead as you stare across the table at your opponent’s massive stack of chips. They’ve been making bold moves all night, but something about their latest bet seems off. You have a hunch they’re bluffing. That’s when it’s time to call someone’s bluff.

This classic phrase comes straight from the world of poker, where players often use deception to outsmart their opponents. Calling someone’s bluff means forcing them to reveal the truth about their hand and exposing any lies they may have been telling. But the phrase has now become a part of everyday language and can be applied to any situation where someone is hiding something or pretending to be something they’re not.

For example, let’s say you’re in a meeting and a colleague makes a bold claim, but you’re not sure they have the evidence to back it up. That’s when it’s time to call their bluff, demanding that they show you the facts to prove their case.

And just like in poker, calling someone’s bluff requires a certain level of nerve and confidence. You have to be willing to put your own chips on the table, matching your opponent’s bet and daring them to reveal their true hand. Just ask this fellow from Texas; the following was reported in The Rock Island Argus on April 22, 1891:

Robert M White, while drunk at Belden, Tex., used his revolver too freely. William Millsap called his bluff with his shotgun.

Looks like William Millsap took the saying “This town ain’t big enough for the both of us” a little too seriously.

In the end, calling someone’s bluff is about more than just winning – it’s about getting to the truth. Whether you’re at the poker table or in the boardroom, calling someone’s bluff requires a certain level of confidence and a willingness to take a risk. So don’t be afraid to demand the truth and show your opponent who’s boss – just make sure you’ve got the cards to back it up!